Artificial Intelligence for Telecoms

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  • Course level: Intermediate


Most industrialists today wonder how artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to upset their economic model. It must be said that the latest advances in this area: Chatbots, translation automated in real time, Robotic Process Automation and Machine Learning, just to name a few, are showing promise. They open the field of possibilities in matters of applications and new services.

These are some of the advances that the telecommunications industry should benefit from. All over the world, large operators invest a lot of money and mobilize their researchers to benefit from advances in AI.

This course will help you understand the challenges of artificial intelligence in telecoms, show you some of the key concepts of artificial intelligence and show you how to better identify the different possible applications of AI in telecoms.

You will also discuss advanced methods of statistical learning to solve artificial intelligence issues, how to use neural networks and associated architectures, design and analyze experiences to evaluate systems HRI (Male Interaction – Robot).

You should be able to understand how AI can help improve surveillance of production machines, preventing the failure of equipment by using concepts such as predictive maintenance and automatic resolution incidents or “self-healing”.

What Will I Learn?

  • Identify the various types of AI.
  • Explore the various usages of AI in Telecoms.
  • Understand the customer experience, the operations and maintenance of networks and impacts that AI can make on this.
  • Discuss the key challenges for managing AI implementations at scale.
  • Identify the basic concepts of the AI data model.
  • Understand important aspects which may affect the successful implementation of an AI strategy.

About the instructor

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66 Courses

8 students



  • A basic understanding of Telecoms Technology and Business is recommended but not essential. A basic Knowledge of Statistics and an entrepreneurial and open mindset would be asset.

Target Audience

  • Senior Managers Leading AI efforts and tech teams
  • Developers wanting to Know more about AI
  • Information Architects who want to gain knowledge in AI
  • Experienced professionals who would like more insight into using AI in their departments
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